A Spelman woman is a different kind of woman. She doesn’t take no for an answer and always has an opinion. She always “piggybacks” off of her Spelman sisters and succeeds in whatever field she enters. And you know what they say, “You can tell a Spelman women, but you can’t tell her much.”
In case you didn’t know, here are 10 traits for every true Spelmanite.
1. You’re a master at finessing Morehouse Dining Dollars (a.k.a DCBs) or Gear

The art of finessing doesn’t need to be a class at Spelman. As soon as a Spelmanite enters the gates, the trait is bestowed upon her. Whenever a Spelmanite attends an event or meeting at Morehouse, she is guaranteed to leave with a Chick Fil A meal…that she didn’t have to pay for. A Spelmanite has a way with words that can charm a man of Morehouse to do anything she wants.
2. Your clapback game is strong

Your camera roll arsenal is full of memes and gifs ready for any Twitter throw down at a moment’s notice. What’s a Twitter troll anyways? “Honestly, we learn the importance of making a statement and taking a stand in all that we do within our classrooms at Spelman. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that our clapbacks are legendary,” sophomore Adesuwa Joseph said. “Personally, clapbacks have been my way to settle annoying, reoccurring topics that always make an appearance on the timeline. Reoccuring topics include (but are definitely not limited to) the Spelman vs. CAU beef, Spelman Slander or any other words regarding black women.” Let’s not forget the hair flips you always on deck for when your opponents admit defeat
3. You aren’t afraid to go toe to toe with a Spelman slanderer

The great institution that Harriet E. Giles and Sophia B. Packard built absolutely can not be dissed by anyone. “Spelman thy name we praise is a statement you live by,” sophomore Symone Thompson said. Hopefully no one spells Spelman with two “ls” because all hell will break loose. Despite any petty drama, Spelmanites always stick together to defend the Spelman name.
4. You talk crap about Men of Morehouse, but you also probably date one

You trash talk Morehouse faithfully and without any digression, but you also have a date with a Man of Morehouse tomorrow. #Sorrynotsorry. “Only Spelmanites are allowed to talk about Men of Morehouse. It’s the nature of our relationship and just how it is,” sophomore Kennedy Weathers said. “But if someone else does, it’s on. We’re basically like that family that picks and teases each other and it’s okay. But if a friend does it, we’re ready to fight.” Men of Morehouse aren’t faithful in your book, but Spelhouse love is something you want in the future.
5. You turned down top colleges and universities to attend Spelman

You were accepted into Ivy Leagues and offered great financial aid packages from wonderful state schools, but you decided to follow your heart and attend Spelman. “There is truly no other place like Spelman,” senior Ashley Reid said. “After attending predominantly White institutions for my entire life, I wanted a college that was actually made for me with both my blackness and femininity in mind. In a society where blackness is dangerous, Spelman has offered me a safe space to learn and grow.” Before the end of your first year, you realize that attending Spelman was one of the best decisions of your life.
6. You were a top student in high school

The fact that you and your roommate were valedictorian, SGA president or cheerleading captain in high school should come as no surprise. “Spelman looks for women who were leaders [in high school], so they can build on that leadership quality,” sophomore Mikia Frazier said. Spelman only accepts the best of the best, and you realize that more and more as you meet more Spelmanites.
7. You hear shout outs in rap songs on the daily

Hearing Spelman get a shout in a rap song doesn’t phase you because you probably saw the rapper at Hump Wednesday or Market Friday before the song was released. “Honestly, hearing someone brag about Spelman women in a rap song is an everyday thing here,” sophomore Anisa Holloman said. Texts from family members talking about hearing your school’s name in the new Drake song is the norm now. What can we say? Spelman women have a way with the Men of Morehouse and rappers.
8. You never think you’re doing enough

You feel like you need to join Class Council to have a voice within your class, but you also think you need to join Health Careers club to network with professionals. “Spelman teaches you that you can do anything you set your mind to, and they instill a mindset that you can do everything,” senior Kailyn Brooks said. Lace up your Nikes because you’ll be running from meeting to meeting 24/7. This just proves once again that Spelmanites are the most dedicated and passionate students at any university.
9. You don’t believe in walking on the grass

Spelman women don’t cut corners–literally. You’ll never be caught on any form of grass on Spelman’s campus unless there is a clear sign permitting you to be on it. “Spelman women don’t walk on the grass because it’s like we are in an exclusive club that won’t allow it,” junior Maya Lewis said. Everyone knows that if even a toe touches the grass you run the risk of the graduation curse–the legend that if you touch the grass you simply won’t graduate. Better take the long way to avoid any foot-to-grass interaction.
10. You rule a room when you enter it

A Spelman woman oozes the confidence of Queen B. Nothing can stand in your way of getting the crowd’s attentions or making sure everyone hears what you need to say. You feel confident in your intellect and aren’t afraid to take charge. When you enter a room, the mood brightens because a Spelman woman makes everything a little better.