It’s Saturday night and you and your friends decided to hit up a frat party—a world where bedroom doors are locked because they’re being used for…studying, right? Fast forward to the next morning. You wake up in a bed that’s not your own. Time to make that trek across campus and back to your dorm. You can rock the walk like Amber Rose did or nervously hope no one notices your wedges and mini skirt. If you want to make the walk of shame your daily exercise, head to a school with an even male to female ratio, widespread condom availability on campus and lax dorm regulations.
Check out these top 10 colleges for hookups.
10. Columbia University

Columbia has a sexual health map. A freakin’ map. The map has locations around campus where you can find safe sex supplies like male and female condoms, dental dams, lubricant and a safer sex brochure. With men outnumbering women, the chances of hookups are slightly higher than they would be otherwise. “In my opinion, Columbia is a very forward-thinking and open-minded community,” Columbia University junior Chandler Precht said. “Hooking up at many schools can be incredibly demeaning and degrading for women, but at Columbia I think it’s very different. Although sexism is still prevalent throughout the country, I think less so at Columbia,” Precht said. “We are a lot more progressive than other schools. We preach equality.” In the words of Gossip Girl, “In the city that never sleeps, a lot can happen in one night.” With the rush of the city pulsing through your veins, how could you not get a little frisky?
9. Stanford University

Condoms, condoms, read all about them. Or buy 10 for $1. Stanford’s Sexual Health Peer Resource Center offers safe sex supplies, sex toys and health counseling with an all-student staff (so no need for any of those awkward encounters with real adults). Get condoms in bulk and a top-notch education only at Stanford. Ah, the marvels of college. Not only does Stanford’s Greek life show off some Greek gods and goddesses among men, but dorm parties and tailgates provide prime situations for doing the dirty. In 2014, The Stanford Daily conducted a survey that showed 43 percent of females and 48 percent of males believed that the dating culture at Stanford was more focused on hookups than on emotional relationships. I mean, all those hours spent alone doing homework at Cecil Green library to keep up your GPA might keep something else up, too if you know what I mean.
8. University of Arizona

Unlike Troy and Gabriela, these Wildcats don’t wait till the end of the summer to kiss (among other things) for the first time. The likelihood of hookups is higher when almost everyone can find their match. Arizona has 36 fraternities and 15 sororities, so the hookup culture that revolves around Greek life remains. But with sex comes safety. Campus Health Service offers STD testing ranging from $22-$49, depending on which STD you want to get tested for, and free condom Fridays. Before hitting the pregame though, stop the office to check up and wrap up for your future hookups. And if you need answers to your sex anomalies, but talking to someone at Campus Health freaks you out, Arizona has a SexTalk Column printed in the Arizona Daily Wildcat. Submit your questions online and get them answered in the column at least once a week.
7. Oregon State University

Oregon State shenanigans belong on TV like your fave show Greek. The 24 fraternities and 16 sororities make finding parties easier than skipping class. Starting Fall 2017, new room assignments will be based on gender identity, not biological sex. They’ve joined the gender revolution, and they’re not shying away from real issues students face every day. Even when it comes to focusing on protected sex. “There are what are called condom hotspots located all over campus that are basically boxes that have condoms, lube, female condoms, finger condoms, really all kinds of stuff, and it is all free,” senior human development and family science major Gabi Perez said. Grab that hot guy you met at the party, pass by some condom hotspots on your way home and spend the night doing your thing.
6. University of Georgia

Though girls basically run the campus at Georgia (57 percent female and 43 percent male), the Greek life and condom availability make hookups hot af. Georgia has the Condom Express, kind of like the Polar Express, but sexier. This program delivers free condoms to dorms on campus. If you live off campus, you can still order them, but you have to pick them up yourself at the Health Promotion Department in the University Health Center. UGA also held a Project Condom Fashion Show last year where students designed dresses made out of condoms. Project Condom began to decrease the stigma around safe sex and raise awareness about sexual health issues. Okay, so maybe the condom fashion show doesn’t necessarily add to the school’s sex-caliber, but it definitely shows how UGA is basically begging you to get your freak on.
5. University of Oregon

Ever wanted to know what diseases you can get if your penis even touches a feather? Oregon’s sexual health app, SexPositive, can tell you. According to SexPositive’s official website, the app gives students a pool of information about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), safer sex practices, communication tips and healthy advice with no judgment. Since SexPositive was launched, over 30,000 students downloaded and got down to business. The app has specific information when it comes to UOregon but can help anyone who finds themselves having hookups on the regular. The home screen greets you with two wheels that when spun match body parts or sex toys with each other. Then the app tells you what kind of STDs and STIs you can get from those two things touching. SexPositive also safe sex practices and sexual advice. But Oregon truly proves itself as a school for hookups and a school of true progress by offering free birth control, emergency contraception, HIV testing, free condoms, lube and pregnancy testing.
4. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

UMich has a free condoms and safe sex items available at the Wellness Center, and even more fun stuff is available at the Health Center Pharmacy. I mean, they might as well call it Hooking Up R’ Us. Mich has 43 fraternities and 21 sororities, which means lots of opportunities for hookups, like the Multicultural Greek Council Ball, homecoming parties and tailgates, and of course to meet your new FWB. “There’s a huge hookup culture,” freshman business marketing and finance major Santiago Lostao said. “It’s the main focus of every party, especially frat parties.” The parties present the perfect opportunity for hookups, and the free safe sex supplies let hookups finish without having you come out with something not-so-cute. Finding free condoms all over the place always makes for a better night than an emergency trip to CVS.
3. University of Connecticut

Connecticut has someone for everyone. With equal ratio of men and women, no one suffers from gender gaps or gaps between bodies, if you know what I mean. Grab yourself an abstinence kit, sexual goodie bags and free condoms at Wellness and Prevention Services before your hookups for the weekend begin. According to UConn’s sexual health site, their abstinence kits include popcorn, candy necklaces, gummy snacks, Play-Doh, beach balls, stamps or mind teasers. Sexual goodie bags hold 12 condoms, dental dams and lube. Though guys and gals can’t live in the same dorms at UConn, they do have co-ed floors, so ain’t nobody stopping you from heading over to Jake’s room in the middle of the night to Netflix and Chill.
2. University of Pennsylvania

Even the Quakers have an even male and female population conducive to hookups. Sex is in the air at this school. “There’s definitely a hook up culture at Penn,” sophomore business major Alec Goldberg said. “It’s more concentrated in the Greek life scene though.” And that makes sense considering there are 37 fraternities throughout Penn. “I guess there are [a lot of condoms on campus] if you know where to look, and if you live on campus,” Goldberg said. And by knowing where to look, he meant at Student Health Service. Penn has a “just ask” for free condoms policy, so just ask the people at Student Health. Along with free condoms policy, Penn even hosts a Sex Well Workshop. According to Penn’s sexual health site, the workshop makes sex talk fun and not uncomfortable like it would be when talking about it with your parents. Ever wanted to play jeopardy? How about sex jeopardy? Penn’s sex jeopardy covers sexual health topics like contraception, condoms and sexually transmitted diseases. Prizes and encouragement to have safe hookups? Count me in.
1. Michigan State University

The odds of finding a “study buddy” here couldn’t be easier with 41 fraternities throwing parties that basically set the perfect scene for hookups. But before heading to that steamy frat house, don’t forget your free condoms from the wellness center. Make sure to go before they close for the day, meaning before 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and before 1 p.m. on Saturday. Or look to your very own dorm. “Many floor RAs offer free condoms,” sophomore business major Alex Grano said. Four of MSU’s residence halls—University Village, Spartan Village, West McDonel Hall and North Wonders Hall—even have the option of “flexible housing,” allowing student to choose their roommate regardless of gender. Hooking up with your FWB roommate is the perfect de-stresser, and you know it.