The men from season 15 of ABC’s The Bachelorette look like some of the youngest, hottest contestants the franchise has ever seen. With this bachelorette being only 24 years old, her fine collection of suitors ranges in the mid-20s—many of them recently graduated from college.
As we watched the men who fought for Hannah’s heart, each person reflects personalities we see far too often when dating on campus.
1. Connor: The Mysterious Finance Guy

Finance majors always seem too mysterious when it comes to finding a girlfriend, but in reality this one just came to college to kick it back with the bros. A boy like this comes into class late everyday covered in sweat from the gym, yet still manages to maintain a 4.0 GPA. He stays off of all dating apps and rarely posts on social media, which makes finding out information about him nearly impossible.
2. Cam: The Creepy Guy from the Bar

If you come across a guy who gives you a weird, creepy feeling, your best option would be to cut him off before it gets too late. He may play it cool after you first meet, but when you catch him hanging out only at the 18 and up bars even though his 21st birthday passed a while ago, you know something is off. Once you give him your number, you receive the “you up?” messages once a week combined with 3 missed calls and a text claiming “wrong person.”
3. Luke P: The Guy To Avoid

What college girl actually knows how to avoid red flags? Even after getting tricked into attending bible study when you assumed you were just meeting his friends, you still seem drawn to this boy. He gives off a care-free exterior, but soon reveals how judgmental he can be over you and well, women in general. If you don’t plan on being a stay at home mom cooking and cleaning all day, a guy like this doesn’t deserve your time.
4. Tyler: The Dream Boyfriend

You assume a boy with washboard abs and a 10/10 face must be a douche. Too athletic, too sweet, too caring all seems too fake. Surprisingly, not all men are trash. Whether the Instagram story he posted reading “Feminism—the radical notion that women are people” means he wants to attract girls or that he genuinely supports women, he stands out among all other men. He takes you on dates, cooks dinner for you in his apartment and always respects your opinions. Ladies, don’t settle for anyone less than a Tyler C.
5. Garrett: The Country Boy

Something about country boys always catches your eye. That thick southern accent really gets you going. He drives around campus in his mud–covered pick–up truck with the windows rolled down and an American flag hung out the trunk. He raises his Saturdays Are For the Boys flag high off the balcony of Kappa Alpha’s frat house and always leaves an extra shot for you at the house for the game day tailgate.
6. Jed: The Boy Who Won’t Get Over His Ex

You know what they say about a boy with a guitar—avoid him. While he dreams to become a famous musician, he majors in business because his parents won’t pay for his education otherwise. Always on the lookout for open mic nights off campus, he spends his free nights alone in his dorm room writing down whatever lyrics pop into his brain. He makes you a Spotify playlist featuring only sad alternative songs. “Somebody Else” by the 1975 doesn’t seem like it could be about you, so you realize he just recycled the playlist he made for his ex-girlfriend. You find yourself intrigued by him until you find out he gets a noise complaint from each dorm room on his floor so he got written up by the RA.
7. John Paul Jones: The Ultimate Frat Boy

The clock reads 12 p.m. This frat boy king wakes up and takes a look at his bedroom filled with empty beer cans. “I missed class again,” he sighs. He manages to maintain over 100 snapchat streaks with college girls across the nation. This explains why he has never been in a serious relationship. You get excited to see you matched with him on tinder until you realize all 12 of your friends also matched with him. You all received the same message—a photo of his frat’s Hawaiian night party invitation.
8. Mike: The (Only) Emotionally Mature Guy

This man has been ready for commitment since the day he was born. He doesn’t mess mess around—serious inquiries only. If you start talking a guy like this he could be down on a knee in an instant. His smile lights up an entire room and you never get sick of talking to him. Finding a boy at a young age who already displays a great amount of maturity doesn’t happen often. “Mike is the guy your mom wants you to marry and would do anything for you but you’re too neck deep in white claws and frat boys to notice,” Ellen Boyle said, graduate from Hofstra University. Nice guys finish last.
9. Peter: The Sweetheart

The best part about spending time in the library is watching out for the cute boys who sit alone in the same spot every day. After all, we come to college to get good grades, right? If you’re lucky, he saves you a seat next to him and flirts by bringing you a Starbucks iced coffee you didn’t even have to ask for. And he knows exactly how much caramel syrup and cream you like in it.
10. Dylan: The Friendzoner

Literally just here for the bros. Not looking for anything serious. You invite him to come over your dorm room late one night since you’ve been talking over Snapchat for a few weeks now. Alas, he declines. He can’t miss his weekly basketball game at the student fitness center that goes on until midnight, and then he must squeeze a few good hours of Fortnite in before getting to bed by 3 a.m.