We finally get a break from school for summer, and you know what that means: hot girl summer. Trips to the beach, foreign cities, and tropical destinations set the background for a great summer and a whole lot of fun. If you’ve counted down the days to the summer solstice but don’t know what a hot girl summer entails, don’t worry. We got you.
Read on to see the best tips on how to have the ultimate hot girl summer.
1. Don’t let anyone ruin your fun

A key to having a hot girl summer includes the people you surround yourself with and the vibe that follows. People’s energy has a great effect on us and influences our mood and actions as a result. When you find yourself out and about with friends, keep the mood light and happy. Don’t allow anyone to upset you or ruin your fun. Try not to surround yourself with people who constantly bring negativity into your friendships and relationships.
“Don’t argue with anyone and instead keep some peace in your life,” California State University San Marcos junior Tijana Škrbić said. “Have fun, and most importantly, don’t let anyone ruin your fun. If you’re at your best, you’ll have a lot of fun.”
Find a good group of friends whose mood will always lighten up the atmosphere and keep it fun. Have a good time and go with the flow, in order for your hot girl summer to fully simmer. Don’t allow negativity and toxicity to affect you (and that goes for every other season, not just summer). Sometimes, unplanned events and plans will result in the best memories. Afterall, a hot girl summer remains more than just looking your best but feeling your best.
2. Prioritize yourself

Prioritizing your self-care and finding new hobbies allows you to fully immerse yourself in the glam of a hot girl summer. The easiest way to prioritize yourself? Try by discovering new healthy habits that make you feel good. Create a schedule for yourself that includes all of these new habits and start following it. The key to your success? Commitment.
“In order to be a “Hot Girl”, especially during summer, you must learn how to put yourself first and see that you can experience new things and making new memories,” Rockford University junior Anja Komazec said.
Komazec starts her day by waking up early and eating a healthy breakfast. Then, she heads over to the gym before tackling her daily errands. Try to set a schedule for yourself to follow. If you find yourself enjoying your new habits and schedule, then try to maintain it even after summer ends. Who knows? It may change your life.
3. Flirt like it’s nobody’s business

Even though multiple definitions of a hot girl summer exist (depending on who you ask), one of the more popular ones involves guys. Typically, girls utilize hot girl summers as a means to get a boyfriend. However, a hot girl summer means loving yourself and having fun and should be done for yourself, not a guy. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. After all, summer means enjoying yourself.
“The main thing is really to have fun and do whatever makes you happy,” Northern Arizona University junior Tatum Lindstrom said. “Men are always going to disappoint you at the end of the day, so find one that is attractive and whom you can stand.”
So, focus on having some fun. The hot girl summer mindset includes not caring about what others think. Only your opinion should matter most. If you find someone very attractive, then go ahead and let them know. Try and step out of your comfort zone or stay inside it. You do you girl!
4. Surround yourself with good people

While developing new habits for yourself remains very important, so does maintaining your friendships. Finding people that you get along with and who don’t put you down has a huge effect on our psyche. As a result, try to find like-minded people to surround yourself with. Make sure to find people with a positive vibe as well. Once you do, discover some new hobbies to participate in together that don’t (always) include drinking and partying.
“I believe that girl friendships are very important to a girl’s mental health, given that we are very high maintenance with our relationships with people,” Komazec said.
Some new hobbies to try with girls include going to the gym together or trying out new sports or classes like yoga with each other. If you find yourselves not too keen on athletics, try cooking or baking together (maybe even a class!). Take some art classes together or try out improv. If you all love traveling, plan a vacation (one that makes it out of the group chat). It doesn’t matter what you do as long as you spend quality time together to nourish your friendships.
5. Do what makes you happy

Hot girl summers give us an opportunity to love ourselves and have the time of our lives. Try not to overburden yourself with stressful things, and definitely don’t force yourself to do things that you don’t want to do. Don’t let anyone else guilt or force you into it either. The outcome of a hot girl summer should include joyful memories of fun experiences, not moments of regret. So, in the end, do what makes you happy.
6. Get rid of bad habits

Creating good, healthy habits also means ending bad habits. Afterall, it seems a little all too counterproductive to have the two together. Some negative habits can even undo all of the good, positive effects of your new healthy habits. Take some time to figure out your habits. Single out the bad ones and start to rid yourself of them bit by bit, or all at once.
“Rid yourself of any bad habits, such as spending too much time on social media and/or being too invested in other people’s lives,” Komazec said. “In the past, I have deleted social media for a little bit or tried to stay off of my phone until after my morning routine.”
Once you’ve identified your bad habits, begin working on a plan to eliminate them. Sometimes it can take a long time, especially if you’ve done it for years. Replace your bad habits with positive, healthy habits. As a result, you slowly, start forming your ideal self. Take it easy, and remember that your happiness and well-being matter most.
7. Plan your future

A hot girl summer doesn’t only have to last during the summer. In fact, try to continue many of your hot girl summer habits during the rest of the year. The habits you tried out and dedicated yourself to probably made you feel better in all ways. Keeping these habits and mind set can truly change how you perceive things. Try to bring them into other aspects of your life as well, like your career, home life, and even school.
“Given that it’s summertime and school is out for the most of us, there is no academic stress keeping you from committing to trying something new,” Komazec said. “You have more free time to enjoy yourself and think about your next steps, lifestyle, or career. A hot girl summer to me is all about discovering what you like and dedicating yourself to some of these tips.”
With a stress-free summer underway, try to plan out your future career or academics. Set goals of all sorts for yourself— big or small. The point of a hot girl summer remains more than just having fun. If you plan on dedicating yourself to healthy, new habits, try to think of other things in life that may come knocking on your door before you know it. Why not use this extra time in the summer to plan ahead?
8. Don’t put your eggs in one basket

For the romantic aspect of a hot girl summer, it all depends on your comfort zone. For those of you already in a relationship with someone, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a hot girl summer, or that you can’t have a fling. You should define your hot girl summer. At the risk of sounding repetitive, remember that you should do what makes you happy, and to do that, you’ll have to figure it out for yourself. So, decide what you want and go from there.
“If you want hookups, go and get hookups. If you want a relationship without the title, go and find someone to ‘date,” Lindstrom said. “However, you’re most likely not going to find the ‘one’ during a hot girl summer, so just be young and do what makes you happy at the end of the day.”
If an opportunity presents itself to you, decide whether you want to go ahead and take it. But also remember to take a step back and relax. Don’t burden yourself with unnecessary things that will cause more stress. Remember that safety comes first. So, don’t put yourself in any sort of danger either. Keep your friends updated at all times!
9. Stop caring so much

If you, like so many others, care about others so much that it has bad effects on your physical and/or mental health, just know that you might want to reconsider your habits. Caring a lot usually means a great trait, until it negatively affects you. Remember that you should come first, especially if the other person does not show any care for you. In the kindest way possible, start to put yourself first. You’ll find yourself surprised at the outcome.
“The thing that has worked best for me is not caring. Don’t care about anybody else’s feelings. Focus on yourself, and make yourself happy,” said Lindstrom. “You’re only going to be let down, so don’t do what others, especially men, want you to do.”
This doesn’t mean you should stop looking after your loved ones or cherishing others. It simply means that you should care for yourself as well. Rid yourself of those who don’t care for you. Learn to stand up for yourself. Once you learn how to cherish yourself, you’ll find those who truly and honestly care about you.
10. Exude confidence

One of the biggest keys to having a hot girl summer lies in the art of confidence. Prioritizing and focusing on yourself can go only so far if you don’t have the confidence to unveil it. One of the easiest ways to gain confidence includes growing into yourself and learning proper body language. Stop caring about what others think and follow tip #9 (focusing on yourself). If you find yourself struggling with confidence, then simply trick your mind into believing that you are confident, even if you aren’t. Act like you don’t care, straighten up, and strut your stuff!