Have you planned your funeral yet? Florida State University considers planning your future death an integral part of a student’s education. While the former statement wreaks of embellishment and sarcasm, students have the option to enroll in a class which discusses such things. For the less-morbid Seminoles, consider sipping different coffees and teas to set off your Mondays and Wednesdays on the right foot. No matter your interests, FSU offer some of the most interesting courses to take throughout your college career.
1. HFT 2060: Coffee, Tea and International Culture

If you live under a rock, welcome to the land of coffee and tea. Coffee, Tea and International Culture lets students embark on a beverage journey throughout the semester. Aside from the rich, earthy flavors, students learn about the connection between the two drinks and certain areas of the world. Who knew so much information and knowledge could come from two daily, common beverages?
2. PEM 1952: Circus Activities

Embrace your inner clown and enroll in this one-hour course. Find yourself under the tent every other day as you attempt to be one with the circus. From juggling to balancing on a tight rope, this class can never be deemed a “class.” “[This class] is the best introduction to everything. You spend a week on each act. We all got to do the bikes, the Spanish rope, the trapeze, everything…taking the course kind of gave me illusions of grandeur that I could be like one of the great acts in the FSU circus,” said FSU alumna Katerina Perez. And don’t worry, folks, none of this takes place in a classroom.
3. IFS 2020: The Blindness Experience

Ironically enough, the title of this course is rather self-explanatory. Students enrolled in this class will have the opportunity to experience life as a blind person. “The Blindness Experience (cleverly given the course code IFS 2020), is without a doubt the most interesting class I have taken at FSU. On any given day our class may involve listening to stories from a guest speaker who developed glaucoma…or simulating being blind using a blindfold and practicing walking to Yogurt Mountain from class,” explained FSU junior Molly McCurdy. McCurdy mentioned how she now has a whole new perspective on blindness after taking this class.
4. SYA 4930: Death and Dying

Not for the weak of heart, this course discusses human responses to death and dying. Topics discussed throughout the semester include functions of the funeral, traumatic deaths and human grief. “Dr. Karioth is one of the most interesting professors I have had the pleasure to learn under…I took the class a couple months after a horrific tragedy where I lost three close friends. The class not only helped me understand why events like this happen, but it also aided me to take my family and friends through the said process,” said FSU alumna Jordan Kealy.
5. SPC 3210: Contemporary Human Communication

Have you ever heard of the idea that most people have lost the ability communicate because of cell phones? Who needs to talk in person when you can send a quick text or make a phone call? Thankfully this class at FSU offers the opportunity to regain your communication skills. “This class was by far the most intellectually stimulating and interesting class I have taken at FSU,” said senior Kierstin Casey. “The overall take away from this class is to develop an understanding of why and how we communicate with one another and has allowed me to approach conversation and relationships with more meaningful communication skills.” You haven’t won yet, technology.
6. HFT 4802: Catering Management

Shoutout to the hospitable folks out there, this course is for you. Catering an event may seem like a piece of cake—until you drop the piece of cake on a guest. This class gives students the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the catering business. “[Catering Management] is a very hands-on class, we are rarely ever sitting in a classroom listening to lectures,” said senior Casey Walsh. “We get to put on banquet dinners for people and the students get to design the menu, create the theme and put on the show…we get the full experience of working in the food and beverage industry along with managing skills,” said Walsh. How refreshing to not sit in a classroom all day.
7. LIS 4380: Social Media Management

Many of you reading this might think, “Social media is my life, I don’t need to take a class on Twitter.” Think again. Social Media Management allows students to explore the uses of social media outlets through design and management. With social media acting as a relevant aspect of today’s society, learning the true tools behind such a popular epidemic can be extremely beneficial to any student’s future in this technological place we call home.
8. HUM 2742: Walking in London

Studying abroad will always and forever be a prominent part of lots of Seminoles’ lives. If you ever find yourself taking the big leap to London, this course will certainly help you embrace the wonders around Big Ben. Focusing on the “man about town,” students will read about (and physically walk) through the streets of London in order to deeper analyze one’s environment—all while walking.
9. IFS 2004: The Hunger Games Trilogy: Collective Action and Social Movements

FSU rules. Aside from the whole killing people in order to maintain the population thing, this course can’t not be interesting. Focusing on the famous novel series, students learn about the ways in which social behavior can create epidemics, or movements. From the Civil Rights movement, the Feminist movement, the Human Rights movement and everything in between, students will pick a movement of their choice and dive headfirst into research. To learn and study movements helps the world identify the patterns of social movements to come.
10. SLL 3510: The Slavic Vampire

Put aside the semi-scary Disney Channel vampire movies and dive into this class fangs first. Aside from learning how a vampire’s representation through movies, novels and legends, students will dig deeper. This course offers Seminoles the chance to use the vampire as a way to analyze more serious issues in society such as violence and gender. While the required reading list is rather long, who doesn’t want to sit around and read about vampires?