BY Morgan Gibson > Junior > Journalism > University of Maryland

Q: What happens if you have sex while you have a yeast infection? Does it affect the guy?
A: If the woman has a yeast infection at the time of sex, there’s a great chance the man will become infected. Yeast in a man is commonly called “jock itch,” and is a fungal infection that results in an itchy red rash in the scrotal sac and in between the legs. The infection in the male can easily be treated with an over-the-counter medication, like Lotrisone. If you’re a woman who keeps getting infected with yeast, have your boyfriend checked…he could be re-infecting you. Oh, by the way, you can get yeast infection of the throat, so watch out for oral sex!
Q: What can you do to get a guy to last longer in bed?
A: Most young men get an erection in two to five seconds (yes, they’re pathetically easy) and could probably ejaculate within a minute or so. The key to preventing this is communication. The guy needs to be able to tell the girl what’s going on, how close he is and to maybe slow down. Men, don’t buy into an urban legend like thinking about baseball or your grandmother! That’s the worst thing you can do. Be bold and talk to your partner, you might be surprised how effective this can be.
Q: Is female ejaculation a myth?
A: Back in the 1950’s, doctors identified a place on the anterior wall of the vagina that they suggested would provide the woman multiple orgasms if directly stimulated. A small subset of women who seem to have this G-spot, when stimulated, do in fact expel fluid from their urethra (not vagina), but it’s not urine.
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