Few things top a girls night, especially when there’s wine involved. But what’s better than a wine night with your girlfriends? Drinks and a show of course. The PowerPoint night is one of the only good things to come out of quarantine. Since then, it has blown up on every platform for its risqué and entertaining topics. A thrilling PowerPoint presentation party is the perfect way to spice up a night-in and add some flavor to your fun! We’ve all seen viral TikTok videos of the self-deprecating yet hilarious PowerPoint categories and texted in our group chat, “You guys, we HAVE to do this.” Then the time comes to find that killer topic and your mind is annoyingly blank. Depending on the mood of your night, there are several different categories to choose from. Your idea needs to be original (sounding), relatable to your group and surprising enough to stand out.
Here are the top 15 fresh ideas for your next PowerPoint night that’ll steal the show.
Plus, check out the amazing gifts to spice up your PowerPoint night!
1. American Girl Doll Rice Purity Scores

If you weren’t part of the American Girl Doll phase, you missed out. These virtuous dolls served as the material mentors of our childhoods, but in the wise words of Cobra Starship’s hit song, “Good Girls Go Bad.” We all know Kit Kittredge isn’t as innocent as she pretends to be. That blond bob, lavender cardigan and flat paneled floral skirt isn’t fooling anyone. It’s time to let the cat out of the bag.
2. Recasting Your Friends as High School Musical Characters

Every friend group has a Taylor Mckessie and a Sharpay Evans. The world just wouldn’t be the same without them. Whether or not you were a basketball jock or theatre kid, this topic will always be a hit on a PowerPoint night. You can’t mess with the classics.
3. Your Friend’s Celebrity Lookalikes

If you can nail this topic, you’re guaranteed to come out on top of PowerPoint night. There is nothing more satisfying or hilarious than putting the pieces together that your friend looks exactly like Buford from Phineas and Ferb (true story). Celebrities don’t have to be people: cartoons are up for grabs too. Let’s use this as an opportunity to establish some lasting comparisons and inside jokes people. Get to thinking!
4. Who You’d Cast in a Live Action Shrek

If you’re looking for a more comedic take on presentation night, look no further. Not only is Shrek a funny category in itself, but casting a live action movie with no restraints on who you choose is the recipe for a winning topic. Don’t limit yourself by thinking the Shrek cast is the only option. Some honorable mentions are Ratatouille, Madagascar or Ice Age. Nevertheless, kudos to the mastermind behind this genius idea.
5. Which Reality TV Show Each Friend Would Thrive on

Reality TV is a neglected realm in the world of PowerPoint nights, making this presentation idea golden. Take this as an opportunity to reflect on some of the most “quality” and “talented” TV personalities out there. Maybe your best friend would kill it on Real Housewives of New Jersey, or maybe they would channel their inner Snooki on Jersey Shore. Whatever it is, there’s a show for everyone.
6. What Cartoons Would Each of Your Friends Best Fit Into?

Don’t get this category confused with celeb lookalikes. This is where personalities come into play.
“My friend is the human form of Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. She acts literally just like her. Once we made that connection we can’t unsee it, it’s hilarious,” University of Tennessee sophomore Elizabeth Duncan said.
This topic takes physical similarities one step further as substance is added to the argument.
7. The Five Best Nights at College

This idea is sure to be a fan favorite. There’s no better feeling than reminiscing on a shared memory that spirals into a 30-minute session of animated storytelling. Compile your most iconic Snapchats and epic videos to create the presentation of a lifetime. This idea will incite conversation, laughter and the mutual agreement that your PowerPoint is the best one of the night.
8. What sides of TikTok Would Former U.S. Presidents be on

As everyone knows, TikTok can get weird. There are so many segues and avenues that can lead you to content you never thought you’d see. That being said, this leads us to our eighth PowerPoint idea. It’s easier if not more entertaining to just go off looks here. For example, JFK’s face screams home renovation and clean up TikTok, while Eisenhower is a total Frog TikTok guy. You might agree with these comparisons, you might not. However, what we can agree on is that your friends are never going to see this one coming.
9. Are They Hot or are They Tall?

Ladies, it’s time to face the facts with this sad but true PowerPoint topic. Some people prefer height over everything else, but that’s not the topic at hand. Yes, for many height is an attractive and important factor in a partner, but dare it be said… are they just tall? Let’s get the ball rolling on this controversial conversation.
10. Top 10 Worst Trends of the 2000’s

This idea gives you the opportunity to take a trip down memory lane. Dust off those yearbooks and pull out those photo albums to review the iconic fashion fails of the 2000’s. Oh yes, you know what they are. Do crimped hair, cargo pants or jelly sandals ring a bell?
“I was recently talking with my roommates about how in middle school I wore jean shorts over my pink leggings. I paired it with a green top and called it my ‘watermelon outfit’. Can’t say I miss it but it’s hilarious to look back on,” Auburn University junior Kylie Murray said.
The only good thing that came out of 2000’s trends is Lip Smackers. Nevertheless, not only will this idea be fun for your group of friends to listen to, but for you to create!
11. Disney Characters You Would not let Hold my Drink at a Party

To be frank, while Disney is mystical and magical, it is filled with supporting role creeps. Off the top of your head, you could probably name five to 10 Disney characters that come off a little sketchy. For example, even though the Baboon from The Lion King doesn’t give off creep vibes, he’s still too off his rocker to be trusted with any form of edible substance. Now activate that Disney+ account and comb through those childhood classics!
12. Predicting your Friend’s Futures

It’s said that no one can predict your future but for the sake of PowerPoint night, yes they can. You can get creative and come up with each of your friends’ future starter packs. You can also leave the future up to fate through M.A.S.H. Either way, this is an easy and fun topic dive into & test the knowledge of your besties.
13. Rating Your Friend’s Drunk Snacks

The night is coming to an end, and you leave the bar and walk toward your fridge. When the moment strikes, different foods call to different people. Spicy Cheetos are the only thing that’ll make the night right for some. For others, it’s pizza rolls and a bag of Skittles. And for some roommates, it’s turkey.
“My roommate ate a pound of turkey last semester before she went to bed. I have a literal video of her eating a bowl of turkey with a spoon a week ago. She gets straight zeroes for that one,” Auburn University junior Bess Tiller said.
Whatever floats your boat, put it in the PowerPoint.
14. Rating the Most Attractive Fast-Food Mascots

This topic is definitely out of the box, but it’s too good not to include in this list. As a new contribution to the PowerPoint world, this idea is the perfect combination of relatable and risqué. If you take the time to research, you’ll find that food mascots have been slept on. Example number one, Tony the Tiger, for obvious reasons.
15. Rating Your Friends as Getaway Drivers

We all have those friends who currently drive like getaway drivers without being asked (cue swerving car sound). Now is the time to give them credit. Agility, speed and the ability to swiftly maneuver through traffic, without causing an accident, are all taken into account here. Channel your inner “Baby Driver” and let’s put this PowerPoint night into gear!
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Want to wow at your next PowerPoint night? Check out the top five items to bring!
1. A Wireless Clicker with Laser
Nobody’s got time to slave over a laptop to switch slides every minute! Try a clicker instead: that way, you can stand right by the screen without the laptop. Plus, the laser makes it easy to point things out.
2. Wifi-Powered Projector for Your Phone
Sometimes you want things on a big screen—and if your dorm doesn’t give you a TV, this projector is the perfect alternative. Not to mention that you could use for everything from PowerPoint nights to movie nights!
3. A Wireless Microphone
Let your friends hear you loud and clear! Plus, if you need some background music, you can throw it in for some extra ambiance with this microphone.
4. A Crown for the Speaker
Just for some extra pizzazz, let the speaker give thy royal decree with this crown. No one will question who’s the ruler, then!
5. Bring the Wine Frosty
Listen, if you’re going to host a PowerPoint night and you’re over 21, you might want some wine to enjoy during some wild PowerPoints. What could be funnier than coming into the living room and pulling out an icy bottle of wine straight from your bag? That’ll be sure to get the night off on the right foot.
*Updated on November 20, 2021 by Jillian Delaney to include these awesome products.