What traits make up an Aries? From their notorious independence streak to their passion for things they find important, Aries always stands out in a crowd. After asking students who know Aries, including students who are Aries, we compiled a list of characteristics that most Aries embody. Of course, these 10 characteristics aren’t the only thing that compose an Aries, but these seem like 10 of the most recurring traits!
Read on for the 10 signs to pick an Aries from a crowd!
10. You’re Totally Independent (Which is a Good Thing!)

There’s nothing better than an independent individual—you can provide for yourself and complete tasks efficiently without anyone looming over you. Your independence remains one of your greatest strengths and people depend on you for your leadership skills. However, your independent streak can sometimes get in the way of accepting tasks from those in higher positions. Sometimes, those individuals in higher positions don’t know as much as you, but it’s better to follow their instructions than argue. Learning how to balance your independence with receiving instructions will further help your growth.
9. You Pledge Your Undying Fidelity to Friends and Family

While Loki may not be an Aries, his monologue on his “undying fidelity” pertains to you. You prove extremely loyal to those in your close circle. Someone talking dirty about your sibling? Hell no—only you can do that. What about that time back in highschool when someone bullied your best friend? You certainly made sure they never messed with your friend again. You’ll defend your friends and family tooth and nail, showing off your argumentative abilities.
8. You’re Extremely Passionate

Your passion draws people to you, like a moth to a flame. Who could resist someone so dedicated towards their friends and family, education, career and hobbies? Your passion drives many things in your life—just make sure you don’t burn out!
“One characteristic of Aries is that they’re very passionate about things that they believe in. They won’t let challenges get in their way and they’re not dissuaded by the things that people may say,” New Paltz senior Renee Akselrud said. “If they believe in something, they are going to do it and put their whole heart into it.”
While your passion proves one of your best traits, make sure you receive the same energy in relationships. Additionally, don’t pour your heart and soul into certain hobbies or jobs, especially if the results prove less than beneficial.
7. You Thrive on Attention

You definitely preen when all eyes are on you. There’s nothing better than showing off your talents when your manager or special someone is nearby with a compliment. Leader roles fit your personality perfectly, especially when things go your way.
“Aries love attention, especially while they are doing something and receive a compliment at the end of their task. Everything should be done their way, however, unless you give good reasons and time to think about it on their own,” College of Staten Island senior Anastasia Cheremisinova said. “Basically, you have to make them think that it was their idea.”
Make sure you keep your mind open for opinions and suggestions from your teammates. Your idea might sound good, but others can add to it!
6. You Get the Job Done!

Take a minute to reflect on everything that you accomplished so far in life. Surviving high school, choosing a college, all of those sleepless study nights during finals week… Wow—that’s a lot! How exactly did you manage all that? By doing your best work!
“Aries have a passionate drive to do something while others see it as trivial. When I’m really into it, like soccer, I feel like I could play with no sleep,” St. John’s University senior Reese Dominique Dalisay said. “For an Aries, there’s no in-between. Either you don’t do it, or you do. But when you do go for it, you go at it 120%.”
You can contribute your success to all the hard work you put in throughout the years. Keep up that go-getter mindset and continue to achieve the things you want!
5. Your Temper Can Take Over

Typically, most signs with horns tend to boast large personalities with extremely low patience. Which means your temper remains the scariest thing about you. Sometimes, when things don’t go your way, or you explain something to someone more than twice, your temper can rise up. You can also be pretty confrontational—which can be helpful, especially if you find yourself or loved ones being mistreated. Embrace your temper but remember to keep it in check!
4. You’re Impulsive and Spontaneous

Everybody loves that impulsive and spontaneous friend. Guess what? That’s you! Sure, you enjoy following a plan (especially if you set it), but sometimes there’s nothing better than spontaneously going on an adventure. You could head into the city with a group of friends or hop on a plane for a last minute vacation. Don’t forget about all of those impulsive online purchases piling up outside your front door!
3. You’re Optimistic

Optimism remains the best trait in any person. Sure, you occasionally sweat the small stuff, but overall, you power through life’s hurdles without a second look. Your optimistic words can encourage others to do their best, even when they think they can’t. You make sure that your friends believe in themselves as much as you believe in them. There’s no mountain high or valley low enough that they can’t cross after a pep talk from you. Ever thought of a career as a motivational speaker? No? Perhaps this article is your sign!
2. You Know How to Start the Party

Remember that optimistic trait? It’s not only a good life motivator, but a party motivator too! Your energy uplifts those around you and ensures a good time for all. As Ke$ha once said, “The party don’t start till I walk in.” This totally applies to all of you Aries out there. You pull friends onto the dance floor and help them forget about the things that make them feel self-conscious. Put on some good tunes, grab some delicious snacks and drinks (if you’re legal!) and get the party started!
1. You Strive to be the Best Version of Yourself

Of course, everyone desires to grow into the best version of themselves. Isn’t that the goal of life? To grow and learn from those around you, in addition to learning from your mistakes? You take this a step further by continuing to utilize your passion and optimism, not just for yourself, but others. Keep charging through life’s hurdles and one day, you’ll look back one all of your phenomenal accomplishments.
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