You need to relax after an afternoon stuck in the UL working on that English paper. The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s awesome clubs can definitely help you relax. Forget the honors societies and academic clubs that turn into a snooze fest. Instead, unwind with some of the best quirky clubs at UNC. Spend your evenings playing heated games of Dungeons and Dragons, strumming on a ukulele with friends or just kicking back and eating some bacon.
Find your people at one of these 10 quirky clubs at UNC.
1. UNC Achordants
The UNC Achordants are talented singers. Plus, they know how to have a good time. They spice up their concerts with funny and outrageous original skits. Popular past skit themes include “The Achordants Ride the Magic School Bus” and “Achordants Guide to the Galaxy.” Both of featured the members of the group on wacky, hilarious adventures. “Singing with the Achordants is a fun experience because this is a group of guys who can sound great without taking anything too seriously,” said UNC sophomore Sameen Salam. If you like to sing, get in a few practice songs in your leaky dorm shower before heading to auditions.
2. Bacon of the Month Club

We’re all guilty of loading up on bacon at late night at Rams. Turn your love for bacon into a regular passion. This club calls itself UNC’s premiere bacon-based club. Seeing as it’s the only one, it certainly is. Bacon of the Month club meets once a month to–you guessed it–eat bacon. Grease-avoiding health fanatics and vegans don’t have to worry about being left out of the fun. Bacon of the Month Club happily provides turkey bacon, veggie bacon and regular bacon so every student can take part in the joy that is munching on slices of bacon with a group of friends.
3. UNC Quidditch
Does rereading play-by-plays of every Gryffindor vs. Slytherin quidditch match in the Harry Potter novels have you itching to try out the sport yourself? Head over to Ehaus fields Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings and you’ll find a friendly group of students playing a whimsical version of the sport. “I like quidditch because not only do I really love Harry Potter, but also it’s just a very intense and competitive sport that’s always fun to play,” said UNC freshman Madeleine Nieto. Though it may sound lighthearted, members take quidditch seriously and often spend their weekends road tripping to colleges near and far for quidditch matches and tournaments.
4. Carolina Ukulele Ensemble
Do you uke? Carolina Ukulele Ensemble prides itself on being the world’s only collegiate ukulele ensemble. Whether you’ve been strumming tunes on your ukulele since middle school, or you’re dying to learn how to play that ukulele your mom gave you for your birthday, Carolina Ukulele Ensemble is the place for you. Carolina Ukulele Ensemble prides themselves on being “the happiest group on campus,” and loves to find creative ways and places to share their music. They can be found strumming in unison on the quad some days, and they put on a show with songs ranging from 70s funk to 90s R&B to modern pop. You won’t know how fun a musical performance can get until you’re one of almost two dozen ukulele players contributing to a beautiful symphony of music.
5. Fun Tabletop Gaming Network

Haven’t been able to convince your suitemates of the merits of Dungeons and Dragons? Join FTaGN to find a close-knit group of fellow enthusiasts who don’t need convincing. This club welcomes tabletop game lovers of any skill level to play a wide variety of games every Friday night. Bring your decks of cards and Settlers of Catan and head over to game night where friends become competitors. You’ll experience free game nights where a myriad of games can be played, but FTaGN also loves to host themed nights. Check out “Arkham and Pie” themed night in which participants plan to pie of all kinds to enjoy throughout the night.
6. UNC Chapel Hill eSports
Are your apartment-mates begging you to please stop monopolizing the PlayStation with hours of Overwatch? Join UNC Chapel Hill eSports and get out of your friends’ hair. They host dozens of events each year where video game lovers compete in tournaments put on by the club featuring a variety of popular games. You can challenge a friend to a game of Smash Bros or play a casual round of Team Fortress 2. Bring your consoles, controllers and enthusiasm and head over to Sitterson for an afternoon full of video games. If you’re a hardcore gamer, you can sign up with friends from the club and road trip to regional tournaments to prove your dominance.
7. False Profits
After spending your evenings crying or laughing at Aziz Ansari or Iliza Schlesinger’s Netflix specials, you may be inspired to give standup comedy a shot. Members of False Profits write their own stand-up comedy routines and sketches that they perform at their shows and at other campus events. “I like being in False Profits because I can preach the approach of Galton the Destroyer and no one will heed my warnings because of our name,” said UNC sophomore Blake Benson. Ready to make a name for yourself with your legendary sense of humor? Head over to False Profits auditions and get ready to laugh.
Do you pride yourself on your vast music knowledge? Join WXYC, UNC’s student-run radio station. Student DJs get to pick from the radio station’s huge collection of music, or their own, and decide what to play for their slot of time. Though the many interested students make the application process competitive, if you’re chosen as a DJ you’re in for an awesome time. DJ’ing for WXYC is great experience if you’re looking to go into radio. Plus, it’s a great outlet for sharing your love of music with the world. Plus, the group puts on some pretty cool events. Make sure to crimp your hair and dig up those long-forgotten butterfly clips for the 90s music themed dance held annually at Cat’s Cradle.
9. Carolina 4-Square Club

On a warm autumn evenings, Carolina 4-square club members line up to play our favorite childhood game. If learning how to live your adult life is getting too stressful, throw it back to the elementary school days. Spend the evening knocking your best friends out of their squares in determination to get to the top square. Whether you’re a regular player or just happen to wander by, Carolina 4-Square Club welcomes all. Challenge a group to an intense game of 4-square and show that you haven’t lost your fourth-grade mastery of the game. If you can nail that cherry bomb in your first game, you’re sure to impress.
10. UNC Darkside
Remember lazy days of Ultimate Frisbee played during your high-school break? At UNC, the competition heats up. Members spend weekends with friends traveling to play nearby and distant schools at intense Ultimate Frisbee competitions. The year wraps up with the national competition, where Darkside excels. Last year, they made it all the way to the semi-finals. Plus, sprinting around a field for keeps off that freshman 15 in a fun and competitive way.