“What sorority are you in? I’m in __ __.” “Oh wait, you’re not in a sorority. Oh…” These common conversation starters occur when interacting with other college girls in social settings. Although, if you don’t answer the question “yes,” the conversation goes south. Yikes. Just because you can’t keep a conversation flowing with sorority girls doesn’t mean you can’t educate yourself on the subject. You might find a newfound appreciation for sororities, decide to rush a one or maybe neither. Ever wonder what sororities are actually about? Movies create a front about sorority life which differs from the reality of the sisterhood. As if school weren’t stressful enough, sorority girls maintain an academic lifestyle as well as a whole a** sisterhood.
Let’s dive deep into the ins and outs of sisterhood and sorority life.

Now let’s be honest, everyone knows that hazing occurs even in the smallest of actions. Drinking games, certain social themes and taking on responsibilities within your chapter falls under the hazing category. On the other hand, hazing leads to extremities like taking illegal drugs, sexual acts and binge drinking. These hazing acts bring about danger and intimidation, but not all sororities participate in such activities. “I never experienced any hardcore hazing in my sorority, but I’ve heard def horror stories from some of my friends who rushed at other schools,” said recent Oregon State University graduate Jessica Kaplan. “I think you have to listen to your judgment when rushing. If you get a weird vibe from one of the girls or hear too many rumors, listen to your instincts.” Just know that hazing exists within Greek Life. Still interested? You choose.
Social Media Queen

Anyone peep other people’s Instagram and VSCO profiles to stalk aesthetically pleasing pictures? “I’m not in a sorority, but I think the pictures sorority girls post from their Greek events are always really cute,” University of Maryland sophomore Carly Bowman said. Sorority girls edit and make their pictures look on point. Some sororities enforce strict rules on not posting pictures containing alcohol, juuls and drug paraphernalia, but don’t think that all sorority girls don’t do drugs. They have to double-check to make sure they censor their posts to avoid facing consequences. In addition to pretty pictures, sorority girls flaunt those Greek letters with their cute sorority clothes.
Time Commitment

Sororities involve more than just partying, partying and more partying. Each sorority commits to helping a specific philanthropy. These girls not only balance class, studying and homework. They also go to chapter meetings, help their philanthropy mission and go to socials and other events. “The best way to remember all of these activities is to set reminders through an app on my phone. These reminders will pop up on your lock screen telling you time, date, and location of your event. This strategy not only works for events in a sorority, but for any assignment, meeting or responsibility for school and more,” Julia Strauch said, a University of Maryland sophomore in Alpha Xi Delta Beta Eta Chapter. It gets difficult to gain adequate sleep and to live a healthy lifestyle while keeping up with a demanding social life. When do they have time to be lazy? By observing other college students, common activities for most kids involve taking naps, watching Netflix, and just laying around doing nothing.

Don’t get me wrong — I started understanding the whole sisterhood and bonding situation that sorority girls pride themselves in, but originally, I had a different take on the aspects of joining a sorority. Not being a sorority girl, I viewed sororities as an outsider looking in. Now that I made close friends in sororities and have been around the scene, I came to a conclusion. In opposition to my original opinion of sorority girls automatically becoming best friends/sisters for life, it seems like sororities do not reinforce the idea of girls that love each and every one. Girls create friendships with some girls by choice, while they keep their distance from other girls.
Here’s an analogy for you: you live in a large community and get close with some neighbors and acquaint yourself with others. Although not every person can be described as your best friend, you all share a bond and similar experience in the same surrounding area. “I was super hesitant to join a sorority because the process seemed intimidating and I didn’t know if I would fit into the “sorority girl” stereotype, but I am glad I joined one because I have made amazing friends and there are a lot of connections in the real world that come when you join a sorority,” Gabriella Menconi said, a University of Maryland sophomore in the Alpha Phi Delta Zeta Chapter.
Sororities identify as community; just like that.

Sororities also bring about an experience to make friends when you arrive at college not knowing anyone. Joining a sorority allows an opportunity to change and grow as a person, or even become someone brand new, wiping the slate clean. For others, it changes them for the worse. “Sisterhood means finding people that can relate to you and boost you up as a person. This means someone who supports you constantly throughout everything you do. This sounds cliche, but it really comes down to who listens to you and encourages you in a positive manner,” Strauch said. No matter how distant you keep from one of your “sisters,” you know in a crisis you can lean on any of those girls for guidance and support.
So, take your pick. Support or don’t support sororities. Sororities involve ups and downs, but so does every other college organization, If you try to join a sorority but you don’t fall in love with it, find something else that intrigues you. Good luck sister.