The world we live in constantly forces fear into our daily lives. Each moment for the past year seemed to be dictated by anxiety. The stress gripped me like a python aiming to drown out any sign of life. My need for a vacation soared to an all-time high, and nobody knew this more than my loving girlfriend. With the hopes of a retreat in our hearts, we decided to book a Disney Resort vacation.
Although this seemed like a miracle tonic for my worry, the fear did not let go.

First, it’s important to know that traveling and I mix like oil and water. The idea of exploring foreign locales captivates me, the issue is getting there. For months prior to the trip I panicked, worrying about contracting the virus or forgetting to reserve tickets. Due to limited capacity, Disney adopted a reservation system for park entry along with restaurants. Of course, being the paranoid man that I am, I consistently checked my reservations despite knowing very well that everything would work out fine. Soon enough the day of the flight came. I still can’t determine who was more nervous: myself, or my girlfriend who never flew before.
The jet breached the clouds, leaving us hung up in the sky looking down upon a sea of cotton balls. For the first time in forever (can’t believe I just made a Frozen reference) the world seemed normal. Sure, everyone around me still wore face coverings, but the unyielding desire to check my phone to keep up with current events dissipated. Nothing mattered anymore other than the two of us.
Upon landing, we found our way to the shuttle service which left us off at our resort. The warmth of Florida felt like a welcoming hug from a relative you haven’t seen in years. Our room took a little longer to open than I had wished, which triggered some reservation fears to pop back up. But, with some reassurance, the reasonable truth made its way back to me and soon enough the room was ready to go.
That night, I scheduled a dinner in an Irish pub. Even though I’m far more Mexican than I am Irish, I still wanted to enjoy those Gaelic roots.

The sounds of tap shoes found harmony with the laughter of a jovial crowd. I’m no drinker myself, but it proved difficult to resist the urge of somehow snagging myself a Guinness just to blend in. The laughter infected the scene, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. After a hearty meal in the marketplace, we returned to our quarters where we crashed onto the bed. I’d argue that I had the greatest sleep of my life that night. For nearly a week before the trip, I could not get rest for the life of me.
I woke up like a kid on Christmas morning, ready to unbox the gift of the Disney parks. Being a lifetime Star Wars fan I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a lightsaber of my own. We set out after a quick breakfast aboard a new mode of transportation called Disney’s Skyliner. Arriving at Hollywood Studios I consistently looked over to seek out approval from my partner in crime. We went on a few rides, some new, some old. The highlight came with conquering “Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster”— I simultaneously overcame childhood trauma while instilling some into my girlfriend. It would be a crime not to mention the time a bug flew straight into my face on “Slinky Dog Dash” (lucky for her the camera snapped a picture of the incident).
Ironically, Galaxy’s Edge, the Star Wars area, let me down the most. It wasn’t for lack of theming. It came from the excessive restrictions in place that took away from the magic of the moment. The line to even enter the store for lightsabers stretched for hours on end. At the time it bothered me, yet reflecting on it now I can’t help but feel that it ultimately benefited me. The money I saved went towards a lovely French dinner in Epcot the next night. Besides the crafty cuisine, the amount of laughter shared in a place expected to be far stricter left us rolling. If you’re ever in doubt of not matching the required levels of fanciness, simply put out your pinky, it never fails.
Ultimately, the days went by wonderfully.

I revisited classic attractions while introducing my special someone to a whole new world. Amongst all the fun I must admit that the greatest moments came when there seemed to be a time to breathe. An instance where you realize the reality of the world. All these people came from various backgrounds to enjoy escaping from their worries. While I philosophized the nature of our being, I came to understand that we all need to realize the magic of our own worlds.
The people that surround you with the moments spent together compose the story of our fairytale. A little escapism never hurt anyone, but the true beauty in the beast of our world comes through when we realize that we tackled the scars of our world to make a happily ever after. While worries may plague us endlessly, it must not be forgotten that “there’s a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of every day.”