You may want to look elsewhere if you can’t cope with 2 weeks of rain in the middle of March, an ever-present fog layer and a 10-degree weather change from one part of city to the other on any given day.
If you are prepared to battle the bipolar weather of the Bay, you’ll have to focus your energy on a different kind of war: the crusade for classes. Crashing courses is not uncommon; don’t be surprised if you have to go to great lengths to secure a spot. That being said, graduating in four years is a frequent struggle for students.

While the commuter stigma lingers, the school is also in a huge state of transition. With several construction projects slated for the future, the commuter stereotype may soon be a thing of the past. SF State is actively pursuing a way to make students come to campus…and stay.
“There’s some big moves that they’re making to make this much less of a commuter school and more of… this is your house, this is your living space, this is your community,” Stevenson said. “This is where you belong.”
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