This is it—your final semester. Your last hoorah. Your last “I’m going to take these shots of tequila even though I have an exam tomorrow” moment. OK, we’re being a little dramatic. Your last semester of college is totally not the end, even though it may feel like it at times. Good news is there’s tons of ways to make your last semester memorable and productive, and we’ve listed ten of them.
1. Embrace the fact that you’re a senior

It’s crazy to think the “best four years of your life” are just about over. As scary as that may sound, there is so much to look forward to. “The most interesting feeling as a senior is the nostalgia you feel about the past four, five, or however many years it took you to be a senior, and the curious anxiety you get about where your future may be headed,” said Miguel Cordona, senior at the University of Florida.
2. Join a school organization

It’s never too late to get involved. Join that organization you “never had time for” before. We all secretly wished we were a part of Pitch Perfect, and now’s the perfect time to join your school’s a cappella club. Plus, it makes for a great resume builder.
3. Polish your resume and perfect cover letters

Speaking of resumes, now is the time to perfect them. Make sure everything is up to date and practice writing cover letters. Lucky for you, we’ve written a few articles to help you with just that.
4. Soak up what college has to offer

The real world will not be as forgiving as college. If they haven’t already, mommy and daddy won’t be paying for things anymore, and going to work hungover is much harder than going to class after a long night out. “Appreciate the little moments like walking around campus, going to an organizational meeting and having financial aid,” said Agassy Rodriguez, senior at the University of Florida.
5. Stay organized

Chances are you’re going to be applying to at least 40+ jobs (unfortunately, finding jobs after graduation isn’t as easy as your humanities elective). Create a spreadsheet to organize where and when you applied, what position and the location of the job.
6. Don’t let senioritis get the best of you

Let’s be honest, you mentally checked out of college as soon as winter break started. But skipping class and missing homework assignments won’t help you graduate. Buy a planner and stay up to date with all your deadlines. Each assignment you turn in leaves you one step closer to graduation.
7. Get your foot in the door

By this point you should know what career you want to get into, and the only way to get into it is by making those connections. Keep in touch with your old internship supervisor and network whenever you can—these are going to be useful relationships to have. “Start gaining more experience in the field you desire so that you can progress once you graduate,” said Erick Falero, senior at Florida International University.
8. Clean up your social media presence

You know that picture of you holding a red cup in your bathing suit during spring break? It’s got to go. Potential employers are going to be checking your Facebook and other social media sites during the hiring process. The last thing you want is to not get a job because you were photographed doing a keg stand.
9. Be Limitless

Now is not the time to be afraid of what you want. You’ve made it this far and the only thing stopping you from reaching your goals are your fears. “Don’t place restrictions on your goals and priorities. If you want it, go for it.” said Carolina Riveron, senior at Florida State University.
10. Enjoy yourself

After all is said and done, this is your last year of college. You’re not going to have the free time you have now once you sell your soul to the real world. Stay out ‘til 4 a.m., drink with your friends, or go on a spontaneous road trip—all in moderation of course. These four years won’t happen again.