With the fast-paced environment of university life, it’s important to have professors who will always make the classroom a little more bearable. The right professor could brighten up your whole day, even if the subject makes you want to leave. Having the right professor can make all the difference while taking a class whether it’s a core class, one for your major/minor, or an elective. So when enrolling in courses for next semester, make sure to not only look into which ones you want to take (along with the times of each course), but also the professor that teaches that class.
Whether you have a class that starts at the break of dawn or late at night, here are some professors who are sure to make your time at Adelphi more interesting!
10. Professor Lavery (Communication)

From the communication department, we have Professor Lavery. The first thing you can expect are a lot of group discussions. Unlike most university rooms where everyone tends to keep silent, Professor Lavery’s dynamic energy remains contagious. Learning and fun go hand in hand during her class. You’ll find that her classes are filled with laughs and giggles.
“The first day, she was just so funny, she talked about modern slang and herself and was very interested in our own lives,” Adelphi University freshman Cassidy Bedell said.
Making friends in this class will be a piece of cake as we are encouraged to get to know the people around us. This sparks wild conversations that you are sure to remember for a lifetime. Her assignments are quick and easy so you wouldn’t need to add any of her homework to your to-do list. You wouldn’t want to skip her class and miss out on her trying to be “hip” with her trendy vocabulary.
9. Professor Wright (Physics)

I think I speak for some of us that science and math aren’t some of our best subjects. However, with Professor Wright, you’ll be sure to laugh your head off while forgetting the reason why you hate physics. His entertaining lectures make the class go by faster. He wants the class to run as smoothly as possible so that each student can get the grade that they deserve. His kind personality makes the rough nature of physics a little more bearable.
“He took his shoe off and threw it across the classroom [In regard to answering the question ‘when she knew this professor was going to be interesting’],” Adelphi University freshman Kaylee Bhimdass said
Professor Wright will help unscramble the confusing topic of physics and create a structure that benefits you. The assignments might be difficult at first, but as long as he sees the effort that’s all that matters. His classes are engaging and very well put together. Physics isn’t the only thing that will throw your head into a loop, anytime you enter the classroom, you might also get a shoe to the head. Overall, a fantastic teacher with a fabulous personality.
8. Professor Gray (Political Science)

Professor Gray’s classes are sure to keep you on your toes once you walk into the classroom. In the wondrous world of political science, she tries to make the setting brighter by being a true educator. She makes the instructions very clear to help you better understand. Professor Gray not only cares for the well-being of her students but remains flexible when it comes to assignments. She’s a wonderful person for a wonderful class.
“In Professor Gray’s class, she started playing Hamilton music in class,” Adelphi University freshman Sara Held said.
Who doesn’t love learning about our political system while listening to Lin Manuel Miranda? In her class, understanding the material becomes more important than due dates. She wants you to get something out of her class in order to succeed in the future. No matter the question, she’s always happy to answer it. She’s open and fair to everyone’s opinions so no need to worry about class discussions.
7. Professor Oelze (History)

Let’s face it, history class signals the time to take a nap. But in Professor Oelze’s class, you’ll find that napping will be the last thing on your mind. He’s always happy to help outside of classes if needed. Before his class, he makes sure to shake everyone’s hand while saying good morning. This creates a more laid-back environment in which students feel more comfortable.
“Close to the end of the semester, we did a small music ceremony to honor a person we learned about. It was a nice experience and also a self-reflection of how times changed,” Adelphi University freshman Nicole Alvarado said.
The various quiz games with your groups build not only friendships but strengthen your knowledge about history. Professor Oelze values connections with his students and you’ll leave the class feeling confident in your history facts and yourself. You’ll have a lot of reading in his class, but he makes it manageable. You are sure to find one or two passages that spark an interest. Trust me, once you walk by his class, you will wish to be a part of the fun.
6. Professor Dotterman (English)

Professor Dotterman aka the professor you can count on to elevate your writing skills. It doesn’t matter how much you hate it, you’re gonna have to do a lot of it in this class. But he’ll make you forget the hate with his positive attitude. His understanding will make you fall in love with his class. Class discussions seem to always be a blast with his creative outlook on life and laidback vibe.
“I was introduced to Black Mirror because of him which was really fun to watch. He was also my coach for general writing,” Adelphi University sophomore Sam Caotni said.
Professor Dotterman understands every student’s struggles and tries to help in any way possible. He’s aware that students have other work for classes so he tries not to grade too harshly. The lenient deadlines make the class a breeze. Once you complete the class, you’ll be coming back just to see him. The fascinating lectures will make you forget about your troubles for the day!
5. Professor Restrepo (English)

Professor Nicole: the young laidback type of professor who understands that students have a life outside the classroom (I know shocking). Her workload won’t give you a heart attack like your biology class probably would and who doesn’t love journal assignments? Professor Restrepo becomes crazy about Halloween so if you have her during that time of the year, be excited for tons of candy and a day full of fun. During finals week you could also snag some of the books she brings in for students to keep. Who knows? Maybe you’ll find your next read.
4. Professor Pournazari (Math)

Math might not be some of our strongest subjects (like mine), but with Professor Pournazari as a teacher, you’ll be just fine. When he’s not geeking about his sports teams and asking us what his new TV show to binge should be, he makes taking Stats very manageable. Even if you’re horrible in math, he offers so many extra credit points just by participating, no matter if the answers are right or wrong. Professor Pournazari’s teaching style is very clear and precise which makes the lessons easy to follow. Just be aware that every class might start with “Have you guys seen the match?”
3. Professor Swartz (English)

Professor Swartz will be one of the most sweetest professors you could have. With her encouragement and laid-back demeanor, you’re sure to succeed in her class. Even if you’re shy, you can count on her to accommodate your every need while also getting the best grades. From the great works of Walt Whitman to the great minds of Phillis Wheatley, you are guaranteed to explore all the different types of literature. Everyone’s opinions on topics are valued in her classroom so don’t be afraid to speak up!
2. Professor Matto (English)

Who doesn’t love a professor who gives extensions and helps you step by step with your assignments? Even though talking about the structure of the poem at 9 in the morning might not be idle, Matto makes it bearable with his always smiling face and humor. He’s a very light grader so you don’t need to worry at 2 in the morning if you’re failing or not. Even if you’re not an English major, there’s always something interesting about the way certain poets or authors structure their stories or take in the deeper meaning of a work of literature.
1. Professor Lespineasse (Ethnic Studies)

When you take one of Professor Lespineasee’s classes, you can see and feel how passionate she is about the subject. It captives you more to see how she truly enjoys teaching. When listening to her lectures, it’s like there’s a story being told. Once you leave her classroom, you leave with so much knowledge that you’ll take with you throughout your life. She’s very patient and understands that some students learn at different paces. She makes it a top priority to help her students in any way possible when it comes to essay revision or assignments.