No one’s college experience feels complete without some good parties, but some bad ones definitely manage to sneak their way in there. Under appropriate circumstances, a good party can provide you with one of the best nights of your life. If they don’t meet certain requirements, you may find it better to skip.
Look no further for the essential elements that make a party worth sticking around, or ditching.
Stay: They serve alcohol

You should always bring something with you when going to a party, just common courtesy. But you don’t want to be dependent on the few things you managed to carry by yourself. If the hosts say that they’ll provide drinks, then plenty of refreshments were probably prepared. And if they run out, the hosts are the ones going out to restock. Drink up, responsibly.
Skip: BYOB

As stated above, politeness demands that you always bring something when going over to someone else’s place. However, if people must bring their own drinks, the hosts do not prove very gracious, and thus have no right to throw a party. People might also get protective of their alcohol and refuse to share. That leaves you with just your own drinks that you could carry by yourself. Doesn’t sound like very much fun, does it?
Stay: Someone you like will show up

If your crush plans to attend something, then you should too. Going to the same party serves as an excellent, non-stalker way of doing that (provided you were both invited, of course). Honestly, sometimes a few drinks helps you work up the courage to ask your crush out. Just make sure both of you remain sober enough to make good, responsible choices.
Skip: You hate everyone who’s there

Sometimes you find yourself really stressed out and saying to yourself, “Ugh! I really need to go to a party and chill out!” In such a situation, you might feel tempted to attend a gathering thrown by an annoying classmate you can’t stand. You’ll never have fun dancing or playing beer pong with people you don’t like. Their unbearable company might drive you to drink too much. Almost certainly you’ll wake up the next day with a hangover and hating yourself.
Stay: If you have the next day off

Between classes and studying, you might find yourself without plenty of free time. If you have a job or play a sport, forget about it. So, whenever luck allows you a day that requires absolutely nothing from you, take advantage of it. Have a great time the night before. It gets a bad rep, but partying in college is perfectly acceptable, when done responsibly.
Skip: You have a test the next day

If this seems like a no-brainer to you, good! I’m amazed at how many people spend the night before a test partying instead of studying. Even worse: later they’ll ask why they got a bad grade. This tip doesn’t just apply to test days though. If you have a class early the next morning, you should probably get some sleep. Sleep through and skip the class at your own risk, and don’t you dare complain about your grade at the end of the semester.
Stay: If you actually deserve it

Actually deserving it means behaving responsibly. Not just in terms of drinking, but everything else too. Can you take care of your friends who plan on getting hammered? Do you have enough money that you can afford to waste some on alcohol? Are you getting straight A’s? If you answered ‘yes’ to all of the above, go ahead and treat yourself a little bit. If you answered ‘no’ to any of them, stay home.
Skip: If you need to get your grades up

Even if you don’t party the night before a test, you might still struggle in a class or two. In that case, every night should act as study night. Of course, you don’t want to burn yourself out, and a party may be just what you need. You need to have a good reason to believe that your grades will improve. For example, if you failed the first of three exams in your class, the parties are a no-go. Did you ace the second of these three exams and feel confident that you’ll ace the third and final one as well? Then put on your party clothes and head out the door.
Stay: If you enjoy yourself

The most important one. Why bother partying at all if they’re no fun to you? No shame in leaving early if your friend’s party flops. If the music blasts, people jam, the drinks taste good and the mood feels killer, then you most likely won’t want to leave; so, don’t! This remains a big part of what college is all about.
Skip: If you don’t like partying

Everyone should go to a college party occasionally. However, that doesn’t mean you need to do it every weekend. There’s nothing wrong with not being a party person. So, on Friday night you got invited to a party, but you don’t feel like going, then don’t. Stay in, curl up on the couch, read a book, watch tv, etc. It’s your life and your college experience. You only get one of each. Spend them doing the things you enjoy.