Never one to leave a job unfinished, I freaked out when I realized I haven’t done half the shit I set out to accomplish at the beginning of freshman year. Rather than taking the one way train to regret, I’ve compiled a list of everything I need to do at Penn State before I take a cap and gown next year (oh god).
1. Have at least one drink at every downtown State College bar.

Cover charge, my ass.
2. Actually go into Old Main.

What is even in there?
3. Sample every flavor at the Berkey Creamery.

It’s time to move beyond bittersweet mint.
4. Attend a basketball game.

Ugh, basketball…
5. Attend a women’s volleyball game.

This I could get into.
6. Skate on the ice at Pegula.

A concussion just waiting to happen.
7. Eat in every on-campus dining hall for free.

West may be best, but if it’s free, it’s for me.
8. Take a ridiculous elective.

I’m in between badminton and the literature of the occult.
9. Climb Mt. Nittany.

I can already hear my calves screaming.
10. Watch the Homecoming parade.

This year I’ll actually leave my apartment and watch Greeks ride on their floats.
11. Join a new club

Maybe it’s time to join more than one. Is the Paranormal Research Society accepting new members?
12. Have an all-nighter in the stacks of the Pattee-Paterno Library.

Why, oh god, why?
13. Spend my 21st birthday at the Phyrst.

If I don’t get that green plastic hat, I might as well stay a minor.
14. Participate in a senior bar crawl.

Why go to one bar when you can spend the day at ten?
15. Take a picture at the lion shrine.

I’m actually the worst fan ever. I’ll have to justify waiting in line an hour for a selfie.
16. Take a picture with the actual Nittany lion.

Again…terrible fan.
17. Have a picnic at the Arboretum.

The gardens aren’t just for stealing grapes when you’re broke. A little lunch would make a solid afternoon.
18. Spend spring semester taking in a drink a day during “55 Days of Cafe” at Café 210 West.

My mind is telling me yes, but my wallet is telling me no.
19. Land a selfie with James Franklin.

I don’t care what level of stalking this requires.
20. Walk on the field at Beaver Stadium.

I might hate football, but it’s time for my Friday Night Lights moment.
21. Camp out in Nittanyville for front row football tickets.

Anyone have a tent that I can borrow?
22. Get thrown when the Nittany lions score a touchdown.
Because every guy secretly wants to be that douche getting thrown with all of the girls.
23. Watch the Nittany lions win a bowl game in person.

C’mon fellas. We need a winning season.
24. Take in all the downtown culinary delights.

It’s amazing how many places you can buy a slice of pizza for a dollar. I must collect them all.
25. Dance at THON.

46 hours dancing in the fight against pediatric cancer? Absolutely.