According to The Rev. Sir Dr. Stephen Colbert, America was founded upon three fundamental principles: freedom, liberty, and fear—of being deprived of freedom and liberty. However, Dr. Colbert says there are certain “optimistic forces trying to take away our fear—forces with salt and pepper hair and way more Emmys than they need.”
On a serious note, news reports have argued that the rallies are a satirical comeback at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally. Beck led the event to “restore honor in America,” but received criticism for the rally’s theme as well as for hosting it at the Lincoln Memorial (site of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech) on its 47th anniversary.
“I originally wasn’t planning on going to the rally because my parents went to Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally. I felt like I would be disrespecting them by going to this rally that is clearly mocking Restoring Honor,” reveals Brown.
Overall, students are looking forward to the face-off. “I think the rallies and even the comedian talk show hosts are able to get young individuals interested in politics—something that many Americans take for granted,” says UMBC senior Alethea Paul, who plans to attend.
*Name changed
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