The next few weeks in spring are a depressing time for seniors. Any time someone asks, “So what are your plans after graduation?” they risk getting punched in the face. With the real world looming and the crazy days of college winding down, we often forget that graduation means another exciting chapter in our lives is about to begin.
There are many reasons why getting that diploma means we can breathe a sigh of relief.
No more tuition
For those of you who shelled out the cash to go to a coveted private school, the high tuition bills and student loans are starting to add up. If anything, graduation will provide some much needed financial relief. It’s time to start making money and not spend it.

Forget Your Grades
Let’s face it, we’re getting too old for this. The past 18 years of our lives have been about report cards, grade point averages and test scores. After graduation, you can show the world that you are more than your numbers.
Cleaner Lifestyle
Dorm life was a health hazard, and apartment life was probably an even bigger health hazard. Now that we’re headed to the real world where our neighbors will be real adults with proper standards of living, bongs and liquor bottles are no longer going to be part of the living room decor. Growing up might be tough but at the same time, we’re getting too old for this.
And though the days of staying up till 4am and sleeping utnil noon might be behind us, that doesn’t mean the best days of our lives are behind us.
You can go to actual bars
We’ve all had memorable (and unmemorable) experiences at our beloved college bars. But maybe its time we moved on to venues where fake IDs are not a thing and the clientele is marginally less creepy.

Afford real clothes
Sweats and pinneys got us through the past four years, but if you’re one of the lucky ones to have a job upon graduation, you can finally turn window shopping into actual shopping. For the guys, if you don’t know how to tie a tie maybe its time you look it up on YouTube. Ladies love a man in a suit.
People start to take you seriously…you have a college degree!
Did you know only about a third of the U.S. population has a college degree? You’re one of the few lucky ones! College may have been a lot of fun and games but it also took a lot of hard work to get where you are today. Take it all in and enjoy this major milestone.