When Asher Roth first uttered the words “man I love college,” I guarantee he wasn’t talking about some sketchy party he crashed in the city. Something tells me everything a small college town has to offer inspired him. Beyond the beer and weed he so affectionately mentions, I’m talking the rolling green hills scattered with students on blankets, strumming guitars and singing “Kumbayah.” I’m sure he thought more along the lines of campus-wide tailgates, fraternity mansion parties and college town traditions: college career staples you could never find on a city campus.
It’s All About the Money, Money, Money

Too Young To Take Over, Too Old To Ignore
There’s a reason you hear so many stories about college kids blowing up Easy Mac in the microwave. When you venture off to college at the ripe age of 18, you’re totally on your own for the first time. It’s scary enough making the transition in a quiet suburban town – but adjusting to city life is a whole different story. At least in a college town, you live among a population sorting out the same daily struggles. In the city, you make up a small part of a huge, already-matured community.
Feed Me Seymour

Love Thy Neighbor

We’re Not Gonna Pay (Last Year’s) Rent

Keg Stand!

Let’s Hear it For The Boys of Old Florida

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