Kyle Anderson>Senior>Communications>Loyola University Maryland

You and your roommates all chipped in for that fancy flat screen TV at the beginning of the year. Now, you can’t decide who gets to keep it. Instead of hosting a Battle Royale to decide the owner, place an ad on and split the profits.
“My roommates and I all bought a TV for our townhouse at the beginning of the year for $150 each,” Geoff Sciotti, a senior from Fairfield University, says. “Now we’re trying to sell the TV along with one of our couches on craigslist for a couple hundred dollars so we can have some extra spending money.”
You can find or place ads for almost anything on craigslist or similar sites. Don’t think anyone will want that old bug zapper you had hanging on the back deck? Place an ad online and you might be pleasantly surprised. There are numerous other sites, including ebay, which are just as effective for selling your things. If one doesn’t produce quick results, try out some others.
You may find many of them annoying all year long, but when it comes to getting rid of unwanted furniture, underclassmen are you new best friends. That futon from your living room has been through a lot, and mom isn’t too thrilled with the idea of you bringing it home. Use your negotiating powers with a rising senior, and before you know it both parties win. He has a college-ready futon and you have an extra $50.
“The benefit of college is that you get the opportunity to meet older students who can give you advice on which classes to take, and who can also give you their comfy couches,” says Charlie Fagan, a junior from Loyola University in Maryland. “If my older friends are throwing stuff out after graduation, I’ll see if I can find a use for it.”
You made the move to the city after college, and you find that parking fees and city driving just aren’t for you. Instead of leaving your car at home with your little sister, check out The site will show you approximately what your car is worth, and can help you place an advertisement with pictures and all necessary information. A few thousand dollars for your old car will go miles in terms of rent.
“When I moved into Boston I knew I wasn’t going to need my car anymore because I’d have public transportation,” Rudy Mutter, a junior from Northeastern University, says. “I didn’t want to worry about paying for parking or paying for car insurance so I decided to sell it online, instead of leaving it in my hometown in Rhode Island.”
Using any of these methods, you can scrape together some extra cash for the summer, and you won’t have to worry about lugging that old sofa back home. Or, if you’re still having trouble getting rid of your stuff, consider donating your items to Goodwill or your university’s charity drive.