The weather outside may be frightful, but that shouldn’t stop you from going out and enjoying yourself on a Saturday night. Most of the time you can get by with wearing a coat (or not), but for those extra frigid nights, you may need to pull out the big guns. Specifically, there’s an essential piece of clothing that takes up no room in your closet: the alcohol sweater. Cynics beware- this one-size-fits-all garment will keep you as warm as you’ll allow it to. Here are some winter cocktails that can keep you feeling bundled up on a cold winter night:
1.) Irish Coffee

This drink will keep you warm inside and out. Perfect for a long winter night when you need that extra boost of caffeine. Here’s what you need:
2 ½ oz strong, hot coffee
1 ½ oz Irish liquor
1 tsp brown sugar
1 oz whipping cream
Mix the coffee, liquor and brown sugar in a coffee mug or glass. Dollop the cream on top.
2.) Apple Pie Shot

Perfect for the holidays, this shot is similar to the concept of taking a shot of tequila, but way more fun. Make sure you have a friend to pipe the whipped cream on top. To get in on the festivities, you need:
1 oz vodka
1 oz apple juice
dash cinnamon
whipped cream
Mix the vodka and apple juice in a shot glass. Sprinkle the cinnamon on your hand, between your thumb and pointer finger, where you would put salt for a tequila shot. First, lick the cinnamon off your hand. Then take the vodka-juice shot. Finally, have a friend spray some whipped cream into your mouth while the liquid and cinnamon is still there and swallow for a familiar yet exciting taste of apple pie.
3.) Peppermint Patty Shot

Like the apple pie shot, this one requires teamwork. The results: a better, grown up version of a Peppermint Patty. Now that your taste buds are watering, here’s how to make it:
1 handle peppermint Schnapps
1 bottle chocolate syrup
Take a shot of peppermint Schnapps but leave it in your mouth. Have a friend squeeze a small amount of chocolate syrup into your mouth and swish.
4.) Captain’s Colada

This drink will take you straight to the tropics during the cold winter months. Start your trip with these ingredients:
1 ¼ oz Captain Morgan rum
3 oz pineapple juice
1 oz cream of coconut
½ cup crushed ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend for 10-15 seconds. Garnish with pineapple spears or a paper umbrella for the full vacation effect.
5.) Snowball

Similar to the real thing, this drink is light, refreshing and gives you a tingle as you swallow. Unlike real snow, it’s okay to drink even though it may be a little yellow. Here’s how to make the most delicious and least disgusting yellow snow ever:
3 oz vodka
2 oz light rum
1 oz peach Schnapps
1-2 cups ice
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve in a tall glass.
Photo: Sam Howzit at