Winter break can be one of the laziest times of our lives. It can also be one of the most productive times. There are things you can do to guide your winter break lifestyle in a more positive and constructive way. The biggest positive about staying productive over winter break is that it makes it that much easier to jump back into the swing of things when spring semester begins:
Get a Job

Going out and getting a job to work at over winter break is a great way to stay productive. A job requires you to use many of the skills that you’ll need for next semester. It helps with time management, working with groups of people and the ability to stay focused on a single task. Having a job over break is also a great way to boost your resume and make some extra cash for the bars. I mean for books…
“While on break I’m working at a hotel as well as working on getting my license to sell life and health insurance for an internship at Northwestern Mutual for spring semester. There is no time wasted in this winter break, unlike every other one I have had. So far all I have done is study for this internship,” said UNLV junior Eric Espada.

Another way to stay productive over break is to provide yourself an incentive for staying on task. What is it that is motivating you this winter and why? For a lot of us it is most likely this goal above all else: to graduate and move on with our lives.
“If I want to graduate in May, I've got to keep working my ass off over winter break,” said University of Maryland senior Zach Brown. “So that's what's going to happen. Four years flat. In order to do that I'm taking seven credits [this winter], working full time, educating myself on how to make nasty beats on Reason, and continuing to fill up my own writing portfolio. Hoo-rah!”

Exercise is important for many reasons. One: it will help you avoid that holiday weight. Two: it’s good for your heart, duh. Three: it helps with productivity. Staying active will be key this winter break in order to remain fruitful. If done right and frequently, you may even have some heads turning while walking to your classes spring semester.
“I play lacrosse for Kenyon and the season starts right after we get back,” said Kenyon College senior Alicia Florin. “So I have been working out and playing lacrosse in order to get ready.”
Get Creative

Who doesn’t like getting creative when they get bored? And who would have thought it would also help you be productive? Take advantage of this winter break and make that ___________ that you always wanted.
“Starting this past week I started working on different projects for my house back at school – a pong table and some other things – as well as a website I am working on with some co-workers,” said UVA senior Sean Gallahan. “I think it’s productive to work on personal non-school related things to feel accomplished over break.”
If and when you start to feel a bit lazy this winter break, try one of these ideas instead of re-watching seasons of The Office. Go outside and play, just like your mom use to say to you when you were a kid and were being annoying. I mean that in the kindest way possible. Don't listen to Bruno Mars and you won't feel lazy during your break.