We’d all like to think there is a Martha Stewart holding a glue gun and some glitter inside each of us just dying to be unleashed. We’ve pinned 86 different DIY’s on our Pinterest board and this Christmas we’re actually going to make something personal and unique for our friends. Who knew there were so many things you could make with mason jars?! STOP. Before you take a trip to Michael’s and spend your entire paycheck on supplies you need to know that there is such thing as a bad gift.
Before you hand your friends a DIY monstrosity for Christmas, read on and look at some ideas that cater to your every gift type need.
1. Body Sugar Scrub (Cheap & Simple)

For the broke, procrastinating gift-giver! This DIY is so simple and won’t put anything that even resembles a dent in your budget. From a coconut lime sugar scrub to a rosemary lavender salt scrub, make it in bulk and grab some unique jars from Goodwill to present them in. If you want to get more personal, slap some chalk paint on each jar and write your friends’ names on them.
Estimated price: $5-$10
2. Marbled Clay Trinket Dish (Cheap & Simple)

This idea allows you to make a lot of gifts in a very short time for very little money. These jewelry dishes are chic, diverse and allow your creativity to shine through as you get to pick the size and colors of the dishes. All you need is some clay, gold paint and glaze to seal your finished product.
Estimated price: $10-15
3. Sharpie Marker Mugs (Cheap & Simple)

Two supplies: Coffee mugs and permanent markers. Don’t bother spending $10 on a coffee mug from a store. Take a trip to your closest Goodwill and buy some unique coffee mugs for less than a dollar. Write quotes from you and your friend’s favorite movie, draw a unique design or something sentimental. If you want to be even more creative, fill the mugs with your friend’s favorite candies or a bag of their favorite coffee beans.
Estimated price: $5-$10
4. Instagram Coasters (Cheap & Kinda tricky)

These are pretty time consuming. Prepare to spend a day picking out, editing and printing your favorite pictures and getting covered in Modge Podge. You have the choice of using white ceramic tiles or flat cork pieces depending on your spending range. No matter which you pick, the end result is worth it. Give the coasters a theme, like pictures from a vacation you took together or when you celebrated each other’s birthdays. Put the coasters in a personalized box or if you want to really commit, add a bottle of wine to share together as you look at the pictures and reminisce.
Estimated price: $15-$20
5. “Arm Knit” Blanket (Cheap & Tricky)

If you’re not dexterous maybe you should skip this one. However, if you have patience and can follow directions then this might be the DIY gift for you! You only need one thing: worsted yarn. This is an insanely cheap project that has the potential to be an amazing gift. Who doesn’t love blankets?!
Estimated Price: $5-$7
6. Beer Bottle Cups (Cheap & Tricky)

Have any beer loving friends? If you’re patient and don’t get frustrated easily this is the project for you. It’s relatively cheap (you need empty beer bottles — where will you ever find those…?) and is a project that your friends will absolutely love. Give them a 6 pack of glasses made from their favorite beer or use bottles from different craft beers you’ve tried together.
Estimated price: $5-$15 (If you include the price of the beer)
7. Knit Scarf (Cheap & Tricky)

Who doesn’t love scarves? Unless you’re from a place where it never snows, knit scarves are an absolute closet staple. Think about how much your friends will love you for adding one more to their collection! So you’re going to have to learn how to knit. The process is also a bit time-consuming. However, they are so cheap to make and once you get the hang of it you can make as many as you want.
Estimated price: $5-$10
8. Stamped Necklaces (Cheap & Tricky)

Who said best friend necklaces are out of style? These are so cute and allow you to print any message you want in order to personalize it. Necklaces too 7th grade for you? Change up the directions and simply make them into bracelets or charms they can tie to their purse or wallet.
Estimated price: $5-$10
9. Jewelry Hanger (Pricey & Tricky)

Buying jewelry is an addiction for some and the best gift you can give these people is something they can use to store it all. A handmade jewelry hanger is perfect for someone who isn’t afraid of using a screw-driver, sandpaper or wood stain. All you need are a collection of assorted dresser knobs and a wooden base. Depending on where you get the knobs (Urban Outfitters vs. Goodwill) and how many you buy, this gift can get a little on the pricey side. Its also a project that’s going to take a while to finish.
Estimated price: $20-$25
10. Fancy Wine Drinker Starter Kit (Pricey & Tricky)

Prepare to rise through the ranks as the best gift giver. Every girl needs her time to relax with a good glass of wine. Things you’ll need for this gift: a cute basket, a bottle of wine, a wine sleeve (optional), a big wine glass and anything else you think your friend will like such as a DVD of their favorite movie or a bag of chocolate. Stick everything in the basket, wrap it up and voila! If you want to add more of a personal touch, check out this DIY for making personalized wine name tags with recycled wine bottle corks.
Estimated price: $30-$40